Ultrasonic flow meter Portable : CLA1-PUF

Ultrasonic flow meter Portable : CLA1-PUF

Cirrus Engineering Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter CLA1-PUF are most advanced non-intrusive type of flow meter designed to measure flow of liquids without any intrusive or inline fitment of flow meter on pipes. It works on transit-time measurement principle and signal processing and ultrasonic Trans-receiving technology. The Flow meter comprises of two flow sensors and a flow integrator digital programmer LCD display unit. The ultrasonic flow sensors are magnetic in nature and are clamped outside the pipe wall without intruding the pipe, hence it is non-contact type of flow meter where cutting or heavy inline flow meter installation procedure is not required.

These types of flow meters are suited for application where no cutting of pipes or any intrusion can be done on the liquid pipe or where the pipe sizes are very large or at a confined higher non approachable places. A pair of sensor is mounted outside pipe wall (clamped) and are wired through special cable to the programmer unit.

The flow meter sensor is suitable for Pipes made of CS, SS, CI, Copper, aluminium, PVC, Fiber, Cement etc., with having suspended particle concentration <15000 ppm and particle size less than 75um with no or minor air bubbles.

These type of flow meters are best efficient and accurate easy mode of flow measurement of 15~5000 mm pipe dia. without any hassle of installation or bulky mechanical modifications of pipeline. Installation is quite easy and is manageable in few minutes and gives an adequate cost to operate for even smaller to larger pipe dia.

These flow meters are available in “Portable” carry case model. Portable models are battery powered and can be used for audit purpose or to measure various flow of different pipe sizes by one flow meter.


– Economical, versatile, non-intrusive, available for upto 5 m pipe dia.
– No need to cut or modify the liquid pipe line.
– No bulky & costly mechanical installation
– Can be used on wide range of pipe material
– Easy programming, outside of pipe mounting
– Quick installation, no mechanical modification of existing pipe.
– Accurate, reliable, small to larger pipe dia.
– For wide range of liquid applications
– Same model can be used in different liquids & different pipe sizes.

 Application:  Water, diesel, chemicals, acids, oil, condensate, solvent, fuel, acids, juices, chemicals, dyes, food grade liquids, dirty water etc.
